Name Anuj Kumar Jha
Father's Name Mr Shalle Jha
Brother's Name Aditya Kumar Jha
Village Korthu
Pin 847103
District Darbhanga
State Bihar
Sex Male
Contact Facebook
About • ANUJ makes onions cry.
• ANUJ can delete Recycle bin.
• ANUJ counted to infinity – twice.
• Ghosts r actually caused by ANUJ killing people faster than death can process them.
• ANUJ can build a snowman out of rain.
• ANUJ can drown a fish.
• When ANUJ enters in a room ,he dosen’t turn the lights on,……he turns the dark off.
• When ANUJ looks in a mirror the mirror shatters becoz not even glass is stupid enough to get in between ANUJ and ANUJ.
• ANUJ dosen’t know where u live , but he knows where u will die.
• Bullets dodge ANUJ.
• A handicap parking sign dosen’t signify that this spot is for handicapped people .it is actually in fact a warning that the spot belongs to ANUJ and that u will be handicapped if u park there.
• If u spell ANUJ wrong on Google it dosen’t say,”Did u mean ANUJ?” .It simply replies ,”Run while u still Have the chance”.
• ANUJ can wheelie on a unicycle.
• Once a cobra bit ANUJ’S leg. After five days of excruciating pain the cobra died.
• ANUJ can kill two birds with one stone.
• There is no such things as global warming . ANUJ was cold, so he turned the sun up.
• ANUJ can set ants on fire with a magnifying glass. At night by the way.
• ANUJ got his driving license at the age of 16 sec.
• When u say “ no one’s perfect”. ANUJ takes this as a personal insult.
• When ANUJ does a push up, he isn’t lifting himself up, he is pushing the earth down.
• ANUJ doesn’t wear a watch , he decides what time it is.
• There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq , ANUJ lives in Roorkee.
I think it’s enough for introducing myself
And I like to create enigma around me ………….No.1
Knows me completely.